Are you not wasting your time being a self-taught developer?

3 min readDec 29, 2021

Never, let us make merry to that.

Photo by Estée Janssens on Unsplash

Happy birthday to everyone celebrating his or her birthday on that day. Besides Christmas will be in five days, Merry Christmas.

If you had the college education to end up in this space, then you might be privileged.

Many other fellows did not get that chance due to some reasons should each and every one explain their reasons to you, you will be breathe-taken. But anyways they all sum up to the ways of life and destiny. If you doubt, you can confirm from where you are reading this from and wonder where I wrote this from.

Due to that each developer should be respected and tolerated due to each other's background, so far as that individual did not accept failure.

As a matter of fact, self-learning is the key note “how to” land your first job in tech. This is for the fact that colleges, bootcamps and other resources emphatically depend on self-learning to equip its trainees. The reason being that, this career is mostly depended on practicals and self-assessment.

The following are some of the advantages of college education over being self-taught;

Do not be afraid, they are nothing discourageable.

*Strict mathematical skills:

Isn’t this obvious? The key reason I delayed in starting this career was based on the fact that I was still working on my math because I notice computers are associated with numbers and numbers are math.

And that is true so all Universities who offer Computer Science course start studying Algebra and Statistics. Even if you are to teach with the course, you have to grab the mathematical concepts like someone aspiring of working with the FAANG. And so, so far as you choose college you have adapt with the math by all means. It is an advantage because, you will not “suffer” if you are to diversify into an aspect that deal with a lot of math, like game developing and Machine learning.

*You are given more tasks to complete:

If you choose college, it is highly possible that you could own your own business after the course. Funny right, the number of practicals and works done alone can help you build your first money generating machine for you.

*You have records with a defined institute:

Many of the fallen careers are due to this reason, because a school has a popular name and a good one of course in the programming world, the person opts for college while college may not be for that person.

And so yes you will be an alumnus of that school.

These above could the major advantages of taking college courses because gone are the days degree was a must but today skill maters a lot.

You can google that of self-learning to programming enlighten you in that path also.

Do not joke with these:

$ Social Media:

Indeed, if you really want to be here, put a pause on social media especially if you are self-taught. The little time you could find for doing social media, please allocate that time to do some more lessons and practices because you need to practice regularly.

You should be the one to take the programming cycle very serious; sleep > eat > code > repeat.

$ Video games:

Due to the nature of the ecosystem, you are mostly prone to video games and you are easily attacked by the gaming syndrome especially if you are a game lover.

But being a self-taught developer, you should forgo some hobbies to gain some hobbies. If you had the hobby of playing video games after the lessons you could get a new hobby of developing games yourself.

$ Be time conscious:

Make sure you go with your planned times table know what to do during moments, make sure you are enough occupied with coding periods because the more you are with it, the more it affects you and gets more familiar with you.

Anytime you think you are drifting or loosing hope, remember why you wanted to be a developer in the first place and remember that time only comes when you are close to succeeding.

Thanks for reading this masterpiece also.




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