How bored are you?

3 min readOct 2, 2021

In every life our lives there is a boring aspect, you can feel free to share your boring aspect below.

We all once had the dream of becoming wealthy(rich) thus travelling outside our countries to other countries in the name of having fun. “Fun!” the traveller screamed, because he or she would tell you how boring travelling to other countries feels like and for that matter he or she would try to advice everyone to stay home and save money or even invest that money you would want to use to travel.

Before school, we thought going to school would be fun and joyous because we will be meeting our friends to whom we could play with because at that level of life all you could think of being fun is to play with your friends because even now as grown as you are you could memorise your joyous time with your friends or even siblings having fun altogether but now if you should meet your friend again and have that opportunity to play that game again you would decline this opportunity because you find different thing jolly to do either going to club, parties, cinema, or even concert because that would be merry. At school, indeed it was fun but you at a point at school I wished school never existed because you have had enough of “school”.

After school, most of your friends ventured into different aspects of life and you also had your path because that was where you found or find would make you happy. What made you happy bored another for a reason or two. People enjoyed politics due to how people react to politics, others loved health care because they had fun when they see vulnerable people responding to their treatment, I also have fun when I see you read my blogs and articles because I think of making impact in a way in your life.

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“But those of you find joy in others pain I will plead you find something better joyous.”

But others also did not have money to buy material things so they thought that life was boring as hell but others too found life fun when they had no one calling their names all over and doing whatever they like living their peaceful lives. Others also managed to be celebrated and that is what make them happy, and even being rich and celebrated people find that aspect of their lives to be the most bored aspect.

The needed aspect of this blog is that you should be happy in wherever you find yourselves because the aspect you find to be joyous might be boring that is why life placed you at where you are to be happy. Do not commit suicide or harm yourself in anyway because you are not happy, no matter the situation there is something to entertain you, find that thing and be happy.




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