How to Deploy Your First Landing Page as a beginner in Web Development.

4 min readOct 31, 2021

You can also deploy your page now;

From Author’s archive.

My fellow beginners in the tech space, with God all things are possible, let us work hard and trust in Him and we shall succeed.

Beginners like myself found it difficult to deploy their first website and with the help of Peter Ayeni, this barrier has been broken, worry less because we are about taking a full course on this piece.

There are many media in which you can deploy your website such as Heroku, Vercel, Firebase and what have you. On this piece will use Vercel;

Vercel is one of the best place to deploy any frontend app. Start by deploying with zero configuration to our global edge network. Scale dynamically to millions of pages without breaking a sweat and I can testify to this.

How To Deploy Your Site On Vercel.

author’s sample website

Do not worry, you will deploy your website, but before that you should have your project already on GitHub. And to have your project on GitHub, click here.

After your project if set up on GitHub. Open the Vercel site.

Upon opening the site, sign up if you do not have an account already and as a beginner to it probably you will not have an account so you will have to create one. When creating, a page will be opened where options of what you would want to open your account with as shown below.

From author’s computer.

You could create with any of the available means, but because of your project is already on GitHub. Do not hesitate to create your account with you GitHub account and for that matter click on “Continue with GitHub” for ease.

Follow the processes thereafter to successfully sign up on Vercel thus by Authorizing your sign up on your GitHub page (the process will automatically lead you there) and verifying your email.

After signing up, you will be introduced to your personal account with your username on GitHub displaying right there.

Click on “New Project” to indicate you want to deploy your new website as shown below;

from author’s computer

Afterwards a new page will be visible with the title “Let’s build something new” with your GitHub repositories under something like a page down menu;

from author’s computer.

Which has a topic “Import Git Repository”.

With all your repositories showing below with import button against each other, click the import button against the repository you want to deploy as your project.

from author’s computer.

A new page will pop up with the title “You’re almost done.". Which has your project against the logo of GitHub and square page with the title “Create a team”;

from author’s computer.

On the create a team page, you are required to create team because you may be working with others and anyone can change something at any time. If you project is such of kind then provide team name and team slug but if project is your personal project, then you can skip onto the next stage.

The next stage will be configuring your project;

author’s computer

On this page, your project name will display to which you can change but the default name will be your GitHub repository name. Also, you can control your output settings and the Environment Variables and then tap on “Deploy”.

The next stage will be the deploying stage where you will have to do nothing but just wait for the project to deploy;

author’s computer.

Then boom “Congratulations” your page will be successfully deployed in peace and with ease.


Have you noticed how simple it is to deploy a project on Vercel or I’m I the only person experiencing this then thanks to Peter Ayeni for everything and what is still to come? You can follow him everywhere with just a type of his name and you are good to go.

Follow my page also for techie tips and more.




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